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Cost-Effective Surfacing of the LZ

by Jérôme Daoust, 2023/1/10-a

Grass is a financial drain to the club and its members.

It is visually pleasing, but we have nothing to show for past cost and efforts when maintenance is interrupted. Now is good time to switch to a cost-effective solution to match member’s needs:



HG: Place to land.

Large, relatively smooth surface to run or roll wheels

HG: Break-down.

Minimize dust/dirt clinging to equipment.

PG: Place to land.

Need a relatively smooth surface to run.

PG: Place to pack.

Need a smooth (avoid puncture, tear) and clean (no poop) place.

PG: Place to kite.

<Same as the place to pack>

Related discussion on CSS Forum:

·       Cost-Effective Surfacing of the LZ.

·       Major Decision being considered by CSS.




(current situation with dead grass)



·       Visually pleasing.


·       Cost of maintenance & labor:

o   $1200/month water (about 2/3 of $1800/month for XC ranch combined water & property access).

o   Seeding.

o   Fertilizer.

o   Cutting: Mower gas and maintenance.

o   Never-ending war with gophers.

o   Goat's head control.

o   Sprinkler system maintenance: Water line from elevated source, distribution lines & heads, control system.

o   Arguments about how to maintain the grass.

There is a disproportionate expense going towards maintaining grass:

·       Roughly $1800/month (about 50% over the water-alone cost) or $22,000/year in maintenance & labor: $110/membership, assuming 200 members.



Cost-effective zones


This is a good time (club finances are healthy, and we can avoid the labor and cost of restoring the grass which has died) to re-focus on cost effectiveness based on the needs.

Zone schematic:

Zone 1, SW corner:

·       Artificial turf for the double purpose of PG packing and kiting, since they share the same requirements, but demand peaks at different times:

·       No need to resemble grass. Does not need to be green in color.

·       To resist high winds: Edge nailing and surface weighing (sand).

Zone 2, East of clubhouse:

·       Either a continuous area or 8 spots (add later if needed) of artificial turf for HG breakdown.

·       Dogs more likely to roam/poop in this area.

Zone 3, everywhere else as a general landing area.

·       Dirt, kept leveled and smooth.

·       Use cones to mark idea landing spots.



·       Gophers will leave, war is won.

·       No mowing cost and labor.

·       No seeding and fertilizer cost and labor.

·       No weeds or goat's heads within artificial turf areas.

·       Use savings towards other club projects, or lower the club membership cost.

·       Safety: Thanks to dust/dirt in Zone 3, easier to see the thermal releases.


·       Artificial turf is hot in summer if you want lay down in it, but a non-issue for gear. Good for killing bugs.

·       Separates PG packing from clubhouse socializing and dogs, promotes faster packing (pack now, beer later). A good compromise: Short walk, but far enough from most dogs.

·       Discussion between CSS and XC ranch, to lower monthly payments.


·       Zone 1 & 2 (artificial turf):

o   Initial installation cost: Leveling ground, anchoring panel edges, sand weighing.

o   Minor maintenance: Use leaf blower to clean the turf surface as needed.

o   Dog poop cleanup method: If old/dry scrape it off, if wet scoop and rinse.

·       Zone 3 (dirt): Weed control: Use any vehicle to drag a wide/heavy frame/rake. Soboba (has a larger LZ) does this with their utility Kubota.